Friday, August 24, 2012


All over the world, thousands of people make handmade soaps in their kitchens, basements, garages or barns. But regardless of whether you’re a first-time soap maker or a seasoned professional, there are a few safety rules you must follow to ensure a safe soap making experience. These instructions are for cold process soap making. 
  1. Get your workspace set and organized with all of the ingredients, tools, and equipment you’ll need for your project before you start. The last thing you want to do is to have to run into the other room to get an ingredient or utensil that you've forgotten.
  2. Make sure that all of your utensils are in good working condition and/or clean.
  3. Protect your workstation, counter top and floor with newspapers or other protective materials. I love to use big, old beach towels on the counter, or vinyl tablecloths.
  4. Educate your family, especially if you have small children. Let them know that you’re going to be making soap and that there are dangerous ingredients involved. Label your pitchers and spoons carefully. Don’t leave lye, lye water, or uncured soap unattended.
  5. Make sure you understand the procedures forsafely making a lye-water solution. Lye is potentially a really nasty, dangerous chemical - potentially. But it can be used and dealt with completely safely. You shouldn’t be afraid of lye, but you must respect it. Before you even start, make sure you understand the way to safely mix your lye-water solution.
  6. Wear proper eye and hand protection. Safety glasses and rubber gloves are a must - not just when you're making your lye solution. The soap is still pretty caustic for about the first 24 hours - so a little splash of raw soap can burn too!
  7. It is very important to work undistracted. Secure pets from leaping onto the counter and small children from coming into your workspace.
  8. Have a large bottle of white vinegar on hand. The vinegar will neutralize any lye spills.
  9. Never leave the oils heating on the stove unattended.
  10. Most importantly, work methodically. Errors and accidents occur when you rush. Pitchers get spilled, ingredients get left out, and steps get forgotten.

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